Sleeping Dogs is Amazing

That is all.

I just... I just can't contain my feels for it. I was making fun of it when I started playing and then... and then I don't know what happened. It somehow activated my triad gene and everyone was my brother and I had to avenge their deaths and I just... I REGRET NOTHING!

Beware, this blog post does have a few vague spoilers for Sleeping Dogs. Also, late Merry Christmas and Happy New Years, readers and friends!

I just can't explain how amazing this game is to me. I've always been a fan of those Hong Kong martial arts cop movies. You know, the ones that all have the same story line and a young undercover cop who finds out the law really isn't that cool and some aspects of the triad aren't that bad. I ended up getting so attached to some of the triad guys like Winston and his fiance/wife Peggy, Ricky, Uncle Po and Jackie Ma.

Goddamn it Jackie, why did you have to be so adorable like a puppy. He was so annoying at first but then his loyalty won me over and then... and then...

Ahh... I can't speak of it, it hurts too much still. Sleeping Dogs just hits you hard with feels sometimes. Like, after a big devastating event, you have to get in your car and drive to dispense some sweet, sweet revenge. But it's raining, and you're driving alone at high speeds and this melancholy song is playing and you are remembering everyone who has died by the hands of your enemies. How you won their loyalty and how you went through so much crap together that you actually became brothers. You had each others backs. Now they're gone. And everything just hits you so hard. Then finally, the anger seeps in. That white, hot anger that makes you want to drive a chainsaw through your arch-enemies' head. This is what Sleeping Dogs did to me. This is really what it did. You can ask my boyfriend who has watched me play this game right though.

I was screaming in terror. I was screaming in horror. I was screaming mad. For most of this game I was Wei Shen. I felt what he was feeling, I got angry at the people he got angry with, I felt loyal to who he was loyal with. This game is just amazingly written. All the characters were beautiful. Even the ones you hate- especially the ones you hate. They were written and acted so well that you actually hated them, and it's okay because you're supposed to.

It has been so long since I've played a game and felt that it was complete. Sleeping Dogs starts amazingly and wraps up nicely. If there was no sequel, that's fine. I wouldn't mind if there was one though, if it was just as amazing.

I know that some people were really disappointed with the game, but Sleeping Dogs for me was just amazing. Purely amazing. And every time I hear this song now, I want to sit in a car and just sob for a bit. Is that sad? Maybe that's a little bit sad. Hahaha.

"You were my best friend man. That means more than a boss. you know?"

Dat PS Triple...

So after years and years and years and years and years of contemplation I didn't end up buying a Playstation 3. 

However, under this year's Christmas Tree was indeed a PS3 (or the promise of one materializing soon!) and so soon after, with a touch of anxiety, I began setting up the monolith (in it's slimmer state).

The idea of another console both excited and frightened (well frightened isn't the right word, but hey, drama) me. On one hand we have a brand spanking new console ready for me to explore how the other side lives (Xbox 360 gamer for most of this gen) and on the other hand, I have a brand spanking new console ready for me to collect another pile of games I won't come close to finishing. A common dilemma met by people in my situation (wife, kids, work etc...). I considered at first, simply taking advantage of it's BluRay player and being done with it. But that's not right. That's not fair.

God of War 3
Hopping on eBay any thought of exploiting it purely as a movie player were promptly tossed on the ground, head stomped, arms popped off and discarded viciously within a heartbeat. God of War Saga was staring back at me. I nodded and hit the Buy It Now button. Not only is this a series I had wanted to, and had no way to, play for a long time but it now came all in one pack complete with it's PSP iterations all for well under $50. Looking a little further at other games I was interested in, I was impressed to find these as part of a collection or trilogy pack as well. Buy It Now and PayPal had a good workout that week.
Resistance 3
Now here I am, awaiting the arrival of a fair stack of games that I had been longing for throughout this generation of Playstation for a fraction of the price it would have cost if I had bought it on release. And while I probably won't be able to get through all of them for a good while, I don't quite mind considering the price. I'll just take my time and ride this wave of PS titles I missed out on till the next generation.
Killzone 3
So, in the end I am glad that Sony punch was packed under that tree. Grabbing a console at the end of the development cycle for your current main console may feel like you've gone to the 'dark' side if you've been a fanboy of the other console (which I wasn't btw, totally wasn't... I just love the Halos!!! argh...), but damned if it isn't tasty reaping the benefits of holding out.

Games I purchased include:

- Killzone Trilogy
- God of War Saga
- Resistance Trilogy
- Silent Hill: Downpour (I know, I know... but I'm a Silent Hill fan, need to check it out)
- Heavy Rain

I have a couple in mind if I ever get through these (including Uncharted), but if you have any other PS3 exclusives that you think I should grab, drop me a line in the comments. Appreciate it!