The Gameolio Podcast Episode #37 - 'Join the Dark Side'

You can now listen to our Podcasts in it's entirety via Youtube.

Join Ai-Phuong, Haven, Rich and Dan as they chat about Halo Reach Challenges, Ai-Phuong's WoW levelling experience, swimming technology and Rich gets onboard the PS3 train (choo choo!).

For downloadable versions you can hop over to and direct download the MP3 or subscribe via iTunes.

1 comment:

Blake said...

Great news.
Hey Rich,I too have resistance 3, have played all the series. How about trying some co-op in resistance 3, heck we could even do some c0-op online with uncharted 2.
I've already went through resistance 3 in co-op, twas a fun time.

Whats great thing about resistance 3 co-op,they make it easily jump into your current game and the second player gets to help you out and having a second player doesn't affect anything story wise. Just a second gun to help with the baddies.

If this sounds like something your interested, let me know. Always up for some online-co-op gaming. Great fun!