World of Warcraft: Rage of the Firelands Trailer

At long last, a trailer for the latest content patch in World of Warcraft has been revealed.

Titled Rage of the Firelands, players will have another chance to face the super hot Ragnaros.


Loner Gamer said...

Those two lovebirds need to do more dungeon runs and get better gears before they face the threat together...

Jim said...

Can't wait for this to hit. it's got a kinda burnt fresh content smell to it. but only 7 bosses scares me.

Gameolio said...

@LG Haha Thrall is lookin' kinda Akuma like with those huge balls around his neck. Wonder if his hair is all flaming red like.

@Jim I am afraid about witnessing the mass flaming pussy epidemic that's about to sweep through Azeroth!